FAQ Update: 7/31/2020

THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE WHILE WE NAVIGATE UNCHARTED WATERS!  We know you have many questions!  Please review these Frequently Asked Questions for some answers!


When are you going to OPEN?

A:  The governor has delayed all counties’ requests to move into the next phase. Changes  to phase 2 & 3 restrictions for indoor recreation were recently announced.  Unfortunately, the new guidelines are the strictest in the country.  We are hopeful that those will loosen in the near future.  Keep checking our website and Facebook for an exact date!  We are as anxious as you to be back!


Will your hours stay the same?

A:  Yes.  Our hours remain the same for now but are subject to change.


How can we reach you?

A:  Staff will return the first day we open.  Please be patient when calling as we anticipate numerous inquiries.  Our current phone system does not support voicemail.  We do not have staff onsite to answer the phones before our official reopen.


I’ve tried to email you but I haven’t received a response.

A:  Since we are still in Phase 2, we do not have staff here on a regular basis. We are answering emails as quickly as we can but, given the vast number of inquiries and our non-essential status, it may take us a little longer to get back to you.  Thanks for your patience!


Will it be safe for me to return?

A:  Please know we are taking every step to ensure a safe, clean environment.  We have physical markers in place to remind members to practice social distancing and will follow all other guidelines issued by the CDC and the health department.  We have mounted plexiglass shields at the Front Desk, placed extra sanitizing stations throughout the facility, and staff will continue to regularly clean and disinfect areas.


I’m in a high risk category.  Should I come back? 

A:  We encourage members in a high risk category, as outlined by the governor and the CDC, to follow the guidelines, including staying at home until the risk has been diminished.  For that reason, we are offering a no-charge freeze on your account until you are ready to return.  You may freeze your account up to 6 months at no charge.


What about masks?

A:  Pursuant to the governor’s order, masks are required indoors for all members ages 5 and up.  Medical exceptions apply.  Members may remove their masks during exercise if they can maintain social distancing.  Members must bring their own masks.  All staff members will be wearing masks.


Will the locker rooms be open?

A:  Yes.  Social distancing will be required.


Will the therapy pools in the locker rooms be open?

A: Under the new guidelines, therapy pools must remain closed.


How about the sauna?

A:  Not yet!  Looking to open it in Phase 4.


What about water fountains? Will you make those available?

A:  Please bring your own water bottle as drinking fountains will not be available.  Our bottle filler stations will be available for your use.




I love Lake Shore, but I’m not sure if it’s safe for me to come back.  How do I drop my account?

A:  We understand the choice to return may be difficult.  To help give you a little more time to make that decision, we are currently offering members the option to freeze for up to 6 months, AT NO CHARGE. If you decide to return before the 6 months end, simply sign a form to cancel the freeze, and dues will be charged from that point forward.


Can I drop over the phone?  I’m too afraid to come to the club in person.

A:  Yes, give the Front Desk a call once we reopen, and they will walk you through the process.  You will be asked to bring your account current before the drop becomes effective.


I want to freeze my account.  Do I have to come in and sign?  Is there a fee?

A:  We are allowing members to freeze their account for up to 6 months, by phone FREE OF CHARGE.  Contact the Front Desk, once we reopen, to walk you through the process.  You will be asked to bring your account current before your freeze takes effect.


My account was on Freeze but it ended while you were closed.  What happens now?

A:  As a courtesy to our members, we extended all freezes that ended in April through August  to September 1.  If you are ready to come back before then, simply stop in at the Front Desk and cancel the freeze.  Dues will resume from that point forward and will be shown on your next statement.


I put my account on vacation the week before the closure.  Will I lose my vacation credits?

A:  No, we won’t apply any of the vacation to your allotment of 4 weeks per calendar year.  Vacations that occurred prior to our closure on 3/16 will still count against your vacation credits.  Those credits have already been posted to your account. All other vacation requests are being held until we know how much longer we will be closed.  If your vacation request included the dates we were closed, that portion of your request was voided, and the amount was charged back to your account.




Will I be charged for any time the club was closed?

A:  No.  We will not charge you for the time you were unable to use the club.

I received a bill charging me for April dues.  Will those be credited since you weren’t open?

A:  The dues you were charged for April will be applied to dues for the month we reopen.

Why did you charge me for April dues when you were closed?

A:  Per the first Stay-at-Home order, we closed 3/16 and anticipated reopening 4/1, so we billed as scheduled for April dues.  That statement only charged a partial month to account for the 2 weeks in March we were closed.

I was told my account would be credited, but I don’t see a credit on my statement.

A:  Based on our staffing and software limitations, we were unable to manually post credits to each individual account.  Instead, we adjusted the rate you would pay in April by deducting the 2-weeks of dues from your regular membership rate (i.e., family, couple, etc.) That was the most expedient way for us to distribute a mass credit.

What if I pay annually or semi-annually? (*grandfathered in for prior members)

A:  For those accounts that came due in April for semi-annual or annual dues, we applied an actual credit representing two weeks of dues, which reduced the total amount due.  We will be crediting all semi-annual/annual accounts before your next renewal.  We have also not counted the months we were closed in your semi-annual or annual term.


I didn’t pay my last bill because you were closed.  Can you waive my service charge?

A:  We are waiving service charges and the discount disallowed  for those who didn’t pay their April statement, which was the last statement we mailed.


What is the discount disallowed?

A:  Members have always been encouraged to pay by the 15th to receive $5 off regular dues plus tax. Our software automatically adds the $5 plus tax back to your account if your payment is not received by the 15th of every month.  Similarly, if the software detects a balance on an account at the time of billing, a minimum $10 service charge or 1.5% charge is assessed. Those fees will not be charged with your next statement.


I’ve made already mailed in a payment.  Will that be processed?

A:  We processed some payments while we were closed and expect to process new payments more quickly once we reopen.


My payment is submitted through my bank’s bill pay.   Should I cancel it?

A:  Since the closure has extended much longer than anticipated, you may wish to suspend your online bill pay.  Please refer to your last statement to confirm the amount billed since it reflected a change in dues for April.  If you send in a payment, we will post it to your account as soon as we are able.  Any overpayment will be reflected as a credit on your account.


I mailed in a payment while you were closed but it hasn’t cleared my bank.  Why not?

A:  Since we have not charged dues while we’ve been closed, many accounts (especially those with bill pay) have a large credit on their account.  If you have a significant credit on your account, your check was likely held by Membership Services.  Please contact the Front Desk once we reopen to have it shred or returned to you.


My statement reflects a charge listed as “Vacation Credit.”  What’s that about?

A:  Since we adjusted accounts for the time we were closed, vacation requests for that time period were not necessary.  We voided any that included the days that we were closed and returned the number of weeks back to your account.  We charged the amount back to your account to avoid a duplicate credit for the same time period.


I am a Global Fit member and have a “Billing Adjustment Charge” on my statement.  What does that mean?

A:  When we adjusted April dues, it resulted in a credit on your account.  However, because you do not pay the club directly for your membership, we charged that amount back to your account to reflect a zero balance.




Will the Supervised Play Area be open?  Are there any restrictions?

A:  The Supervised Play Area will open with modified hours until Phase 4 or otherwise noted.

Monday-Friday          9:00 AM-12 PM; 3:00-6:00 PM

            Sat/Sun                      CLOSED


            *Capacity limit: 15 children; first come, first served.*

            *Temperature checks provided at the door to ensure no child has a fever above 100.4*

            *No entry permitted if symptoms exist, including cough, runny nose, stomach ache*

*60 minute time limit per visit*

            *Masks required for ages 5-8; encouraged for ages 3-4; 2 and under: no mask*

            *Only one family will be permitted in the SPA during pickup and drop off.*


I’ve paid for the Supervised Play Area (SPA) for April.  Can I get a credit?

A:  If you were on autobill for the SPA in April, that charge will be applied to your next month’s SPA.


I paid for a full month of the SPA in March, but since you closed March 16, can I get a credit for half the month?

A:  It still may have been more cost effective for some to pay by the month, rather than the day.  However, you are welcome to contact the SPA to verify your usage in March.  Once that’s done, they will let the Front Desk know how much credit to issue.  If you pay by the month, that credit can be applied to July, and you can simply pay the difference.




Will there be swim lessons?

A:  We anticipate resuming group swim lessons in the fall.


How about private lessons?

A:  Some instructors are providing private lessons.  You can fill out a request at the Front Desk.  However, with the best instructors in Clark County, we do have a lengthy wait list.  Without group lesson options, the wait for a private lesson may be 2+ months, depending on the day/time requested.  Seems like a long time, but best to get on the list if you have any interest.


I paid for swim lessons before this happened.  How do I get a credit?

A:  Aquatics has already issued swim credits for anyone who did not complete their last session due to the Covid closure.  Credits will be applied to upcoming swim sessions, to be announced in the near future.


When does the Outdoor Pool open?

A:  Once we get the go ahead to reopen, we plan to open the Outdoor Pool as soon as we can. Watch for updates on Facebook and the website!


How many people can be in the pool at one time during OPEN SWIM?

A:  As many that can stay socially distanced from each other.  All members must also stay socially distanced on the pool deck, grassy area, etc. per CDC/DOH guidelines.


Can I lap swim?

A:  Yes! Lap swim is on a first come, first served basis.  Only 1 swimmer per lane, per CDC guidelines (no circle swim).  Please remember to use the appropriate lane (recreational, slow, medium, fast) for your skill level.  Both pools will be available for lap swim until group swim lessons resume.  Schedules will be out soon.  Pick one up at the Front Desk as soon as they are available!


Will there be Adult Masters Swim Group?

A:  Yes!  Members must maintain proper social distancing.


Will there be Aqua classes?

A:  Yes!  See the Group Fitness section for more info.




Will there be group fitness classes?

A:  Yes! We plan to hold classes as soon as possible.  We want to help you lose that “Covid 15!”  Some classes may be temporarily suspended.  The classes that remain on the schedule will be shortened to allow for cleaning and disinfection in between classes.


Will there be a limit to the number of people in a class?

A:  Yes. Classes of mixed households are allowed with a maximum of 8 individuals from different households and a maximum of 12 individuals in a group as long as at least 6 feet of social distancing is maintained. Instructors are not included in the maximum number of participants.


If we use equipment in a class, will they be cleaned before I get there?

A:  Our staff will be cleaning equipment between classes; however, we will have cleaning supplies on hand for members to disinfect their equipment before and after use as well. Instructors will also keeping equipment to a minimum to permit additional time for participants to put equipment away and exit the area before the next class’s participants arrive.




I miss my workouts in the Conditioning Room.  Can I work out there when you open?

A:  Yes!  We have separated equipment to maintain social distancing.  We have cleaned, disinfected, repaired and removed equipment as needed.  Members must maintain social distancing in the common use areas, such as the free weight room, stretching floor, and the track.


I paid for Personal Training.  Can I get a credit?

A:  We are happy to apply your payment towards future Personal Training so you can get back on track as soon as possible.


Can I resume my Personal Training as soon as you open?

A:  Absolutely!  Contact your trainer to get going again!  If you don’t have a trainer, stop in at the Front Desk when we reopen to put in a request and get connected to one of our awesome trainers!




Is basketball league back?

A:  Not until Phase 4.


Can I shoot hoops with my buddies?

A:  Yes. Shooting hoops while being socially distanced is acceptable.  Playing 1 on 1, or any variation thereof, IS NOT, until Phase 4.  Each member must bring his/her own ball.  We will not be keeping basketballs in the racks for member use during Phase 3, but you can check out a ball from the Front Desk who will sanitize it after use.


Are the tennis courts open?

A:  Once we reopen, yes!  Individual members are able to play singles only.  Doubles teams must be from the same household.  Members must bring their own tennis balls.


How about Open Volleyball?

A:  Not yet! Open volleyball may resume in Phase 4.


What about Pickleball, Racquetball, and Squash?

A: Small enclosed courts, such as those used for racquetball and squash, are currently not allowed in any indoor facility in Phase 2 and Phase 3 counties.


Is Taekwondo back?

A:  Not at this time.  Check back for updates!




My kids need to get out of the house!  Is Sports Kidz or Gym Kidz back on schedule?

A:  Soon!  All Fit Kidz programs will resume in Phase 4 or otherwise noted.


My son loves Kidz Kamp every year!  Is there a date for that?

A:  Kidz Kamp is postponed until next summer.  (Sorry, Moms and Dads!)




I am eligible for Silver & Fit.  Are you still doing orientations?

 A:  Yes!  Once we reopen, please call the Front Desk to schedule an orientation.  They are now limited to 3 people per orientation to maintain social distancing.


I’m not ready to return.  Do I need to cancel my Silver & Fit/Silver Sneakers card?

 A:  Any changes to Silver & Fit or Silver Sneakers and related programs should be made with your insurance provider.  When you are ready to return, your card should still be active if you didn’t make any insurance changes.


Will Scribblers still be held?

 A:  Yes.  We ask that you practice social distancing.  The location may be moved to accommodate for this.


How about bowling?

A:  We have to wait until Phase 4 for that!




 I paid for a Seated Massage in March.  Can I get my money back?

 A:  Once we reopen, we will be able to reschedule your massage and will apply your payment to the next date that is convenient for you.


Can I schedule a birthday party?

A:  Birthday parties will resume in Phase 4, or otherwise noted.


Can my kids still hang in the Game Room?

 A:  Yes, so long as they wear a mask and remain 6 ft apart.



 While this FAQ is exhaustive, we know there are still many questions you may have.  This is not something we’ve ever dealt with…in over 60 years!  Bear with us–we will do our best to address your questions and concerns as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your suggestions, comments and support for Lake Shore Athletic Club.  Please know we are doing all we can to make your return to the club nothing but positive. In the meantime, please check out our website and Facebook page for the latest updates.


We appreciate you all! Looking forward to seeing you soon!