We’re moving in the right direction! Below are some updates from the recently released Fitness Industry guidelines of the Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery plan. We’ll be posting new info and changes here as they come up.
LAP SWIM: We are now allowing two swimmers per lane. Reservations still required for now. Socially distance on the deck and when not swimming.
SHOWERS: Available to all members, not just pool users. Please maintain 6ft of distance.
BASKETBALL: Players can now play against each other. 1-1 or other “pick-up” games are allowed! Masks are always required.
MASKS: No change to the state requirements. Masks 100% of the time.
SUPERVISED PLAY AREA: Unfortunately, still not able to open.
SAUNA / HOT TUBS: Still closed for the time being.
Thanks again to all of our members and friends for the support and patience! It has been great to see more and more of you coming back to the club.